I got to thinking about death. Of the 3 major ways to travel; airplane, automobile, and walking, which is the safest way to travel? So, I decided to look up statistics from the mid 90's to 2009. Well of the 3, of course airplanes were the safest when it came to total fatalities. In 1994 the total deaths from airplane related accidents were 1,057 fatalities. Where automobile related deaths for the same year were 40,716. Now yes I know there are a lot more cars than airplanes, but overall hazards for airplanes are a lot worse. For example, following the correct guidelines, pilots, when in flight, have one way to go if something goes wrong, DOWN. Also, negligence to proper driving is becoming increasingly evident, and more hazardous is automobiles. From 2005 to 2009 deaths cause by cellphone/mobile electronics increase from 10% to 19%. If that number increases by that rate from 2009 to 2014 will be 19% to 28%. And that just doesn't sit too well with me. And the last mode of transportation is walking/running. Going back to the statistics of deaths in '94, the number of deaths among pedestrians was 5,489. Which scares me, because I walk almost everywhere. Now, let's put all this in perspective; in 1998, the deaths in airplanes were 670; the number of automobile deaths were 41,501; and lastly the death of pedestrians were 5,228. Which were more than suicides, homicides, and non-car related accident combined, of deaths from ages 15-24 in 1998. In conclusion with the airlines cracking down on pilots drinking, and banning the use of cellphones onboard an airplane period. If I had a choice, my way of travel would be, statistically, by airplane. So people who laugh at me, and call me a loser because I don't drive. When statistically you're more at risk of dying before me...............What's That All About?
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Tacos Or B.O.?
So I was working out tonight, and noticed something halfway through my workout. I was walking to the dumbells and noticed a smell. The smell was amazing like I was making homemade tacos. As I got closer to the dumbells, the "taco" smell went away and abruptly turned into some seriously bad B.O. So I looked around and noticed this creepy-looking guy working out beside me. This man has a reputation for being a smelly pervert, because he smells and takes pictures of womens' asses with his phone. I personally have seen him taking pictures of many asses while working out. I'm glad we have such colorful people working out there. It makes working out quick and uninterupted. When you have those type of people in there you try not to talk to them. There are still some instances where you have to make small talk, but that's it. Back to the subject, some people need to invest in deodorant and quick! I mean seriously, if you think about it just a little bit. The earth is warming gradually. So if you put the 2 together you should think, "Hey, maybe I'm gonna sweat. Even if it's not a lot, it might cause me to smell like shit!" If you have any question about maybe you want to go somewhere, and you might even for a second think you're going to reek like a fat guy running a marathon....GO PUT ON SOME DEODERANT! So my question tonight is; White people who smell like Taco Bell when we're nowhere close to the border....What's That All About?
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Who's Right?
So I've been thinking a lot about the Solar System, and the way hardcore Christians believe that God created the Universe. Where on the other hand, scientist believe that we all started with a "bang." These 2 sides think that they're right because of certain evidence that helps their theories. For example, scientists have proven over time that the Universe is still expanding. In turn, the Bible depicts the first week of existence word for word in the Bible. Now everyone has their own belief in the subject, but who's right? So what if God lit a firecracker, and that firecracker had the Universe inside. God lit the firecracker and ran like a bat out of hell. The firecracker explodes making the Universe we "see" today? I know, it's outlandish, but maybe that's how it came to be? Is the theory perfect.......not at all, but it does have a valid point. A point, in which, both scientists and Christians could possibly agree on. Yeah, I know, bullshit! So my question today is: If a murder is in court, and you bring sufficient evidence, for his guilt or for his freedom, to the case forward, but can't decide on which is true. What's That All About?