Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tacos Or B.O.?

So I was working out tonight, and noticed something halfway through my workout. I was walking to the dumbells and noticed a smell. The smell was amazing like I was making homemade tacos. As I got closer to the dumbells, the "taco" smell went away and abruptly turned into some seriously bad B.O. So I looked around and noticed this creepy-looking guy working out beside me. This man has a reputation for being a smelly pervert, because he smells and takes pictures of womens' asses with his phone. I personally have seen him taking pictures of many asses while working out. I'm glad we have such colorful people working out there. It makes working out quick and uninterupted. When you have those type of people in there you try not to talk to them. There are still some instances where you have to make small talk, but that's it. Back to the subject, some people need to invest in deodorant and quick! I mean seriously, if you think about it just a little bit. The earth is warming gradually. So if you put the 2 together you should think, "Hey, maybe I'm gonna sweat. Even if it's not a lot, it might cause me to smell like shit!" If you have any question about maybe you want to go somewhere, and you might even for a second think you're going to reek like a fat guy running a marathon....GO PUT ON SOME DEODERANT! So my question tonight is; White people who smell like Taco Bell when we're nowhere close to the border....What's That All About?

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