Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who's Right?

So I've been thinking a lot about the Solar System, and the way hardcore Christians believe that God created the Universe. Where on the other hand, scientist believe that we all started with a "bang." These 2 sides think that they're right because of certain evidence that helps their theories. For example, scientists have proven over time that the Universe is still expanding. In turn, the Bible depicts the first week of existence word for word in the Bible. Now everyone has their own belief in the subject, but who's right? So what if God lit a firecracker, and that firecracker had the Universe inside. God lit the firecracker and ran like a bat out of hell. The firecracker explodes making the Universe we "see" today? I know, it's outlandish, but maybe that's how it came to be? Is the theory perfect.......not at all, but it does have a valid point. A point, in which, both scientists and Christians could possibly agree on. Yeah, I know, bullshit! So my question today is: If a murder is in court, and you bring sufficient evidence, for his guilt or for his freedom, to the case forward, but can't decide on which is true. What's That All About?

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