Thursday, October 25, 2012

Aim With Your Brain, Misfire With Your Mouth

The title of todays blog says it all. If you really think about it, what does that saying mean? You might not come up with anything right away, but it means a lot to me. See it's a metaphor, for people that speak before they think. I have this problem a lot throughout the day. Especially when i'm mad. So, in today's blog I'm going to explain how your brain works, in the sense of, not thinking before you speak. Let's break down the saying, shall we? The first part says, "Aim With Your Brain." Now we all have that little voice inside our head. Call it God, call it your conscious, but we all have it. Say you're having a conversation with a friend, and you were just asked a question by them. Your brain has to analys everthing it was just asked. So, let's say your conscious is your brains' secretary, and your brain is throwing ideas around. Now your concious has to decipher everything that was thrown at it, and eject it out your mouth. Of course, your brain has all the information it's collected throughout it's existance. With the more information you have stored, the more information you have during conversations.. That makes your brain, in this senerio, a bullet.

 So, with that, we'll move on to the next part of the saying, "Misfire With Your Mouth." So if your brain is the bullet, your mouth must be the gun. Your mouth is a deadly machine. From comedians, to singers/songwriter, to rappers, and so on, these people know exactly how to think. Most of them make a living on manipulating sentances into extreme metaphors. Some, of which, i will never understand. But, not everyone can have this "gift." So, back to the senerio, your secretary has all the shit your brain just threw at it.....and it's getting ready to send it all out. Before it does, he starts to panic, gets unorganized, and throws everything out before putting all the info back together in the right order. This causes you to "misfire" your thoughts into a sentance that makes you look really stupid, offensive, or makes no sense. Like This:

I know, I know, I'm going to hell for that one! So no matter how long it takes, always think clearly before you speak. You could lose a lot of friends, hurt peoples feelings, or just look like a complete idiot in the process. I know i hate it when i get like that, because i love all my friends, but it seems like their toes are the ones i step on the most. So my question today is: Jason Kidd upon being drafted by the Dallas Mavericks, in 1994, gave this famous quote: "We’re going to turn this team around 360 degrees." Wouldn't that turn you around right back to where you already are....................What's That All About?

Next blog: Bodybuilding Myths Debunked

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