So with the recent activity of "zombies," i have came up with a theory on why this is happening. Now bare with me it's a little abstract, but this is only a theory. Ok, so they say that if we don't know are past, we're doomed to repeat it. Now with that in mind here's my theory. Most of the possessed "zombies" are African-American males. The way i see it, African-Americans were placed in Africa to begin with. They were placed there because they were mostly zombies. With them residing in Africa, and "whites" living in Europe, they thought they were safe from the zombies. Which was FALSE! So as the zombies started invading Europe, we fled "across the pond" to America. As the years went by, we went back to Africa to check on the zombies. With all the healthy Africans begging for us to take them back over, we agreed. To be safe, and to weed out any zombies we could've potentially brought over, we brought the Africans over by boat, with them safely under the the deck. During the first voyage back, we brought back a zombie. Someone who was recently attacked, and brought over without any indication of them being a zombie. When the first boat returned, all the African were safe, except the couple that shared the housing with the zombie. So as a precautionary measure, we deamed Africans not to be trusted. So for their safety we established "safe houses." which was a head master a.k.a. lead zombie killer, and his crew. his crew were the Africans he "drafted" to establish a strong working order against zombies. Set up as decoys, they would be diligent, working in the field to lure zombies to them. So as time went on there was less zombie activity. With this all Africans were safe, and let go to roam free in a terror-free world. ONLY IN A PERFECT WORLD!! The Zombies went dormant hiding until the time was right. when the Africans were freed, it was feeding time! Little by little, and the zombies have started to slowly take over the earth........AGAIN!!!!
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