Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Gender Assignments

So, for some reason today, I've came acrossed a lot of gender confusing conversations. So I believe its my duty to set up some sort of gender assignments. So there's a lot of confusion amongst both genders about mostly, body hair. So in this installment, we're gonna tackle the subject of gender-bending body hair. I, for one, hate body hair. I shave my chest, the top of my legs, and you know, the region around there. But I do have lower leg hair, and arm hair. Here are the gender assignmentss that need to be in place. Guys with no arm or leg! Girls with arm and leg hair.....hell no! Guys with facial hair, that's ok! Girls with facial! Guys with chest/ab/back hair, ok. Girls with back/stomach/chest hair, no! Now this just small realization about body hair I had today. I hope this helps a lot of men and women with their "confusion" about body hair. So all I have to ask is, girls with dark black arm hair........What's That All About?
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