Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where's The Party?

So if you know me, you know that I work out, and I couldn't help but notice something. We're gonna take a little time tonight to talk about the "gym scene." So working out tonight I noticed that a lot of bigger women were wearing shorts, and the smaller more fit girls were wearing pants. Now what happened along the evolutionary timeline to where this "flip" happened in the gym? Why is it now that the more fit women cover up a lot more, and the bigger ladies started to show off more? Maybe its just pure comfort? Maybe its just pure convenience? It takes a lot of courage to even step in a gym, let alone, work out in basically you're underwear. So I came to the conclusion that the bigger ladies wear less just to be cooler, but the more fit women put more clothes on to ward away the wandering eyes at the gym. But this is just an observation, so I hope I don't offend anybody. So I guess my question tonight is.....Bigger ladies who bring their cottage cheese to the gym, where there's clearly not a party......What's That All About?
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