Saturday, September 10, 2011

Too Much Pressure?

Today I was thinking a lot about my past, and it got me on the subject of peer pressure. Now I can't say that I was subject to peer pressure, but I do know of a lot of people that were. What am I talking about? We're all subject to peer pressure. From learning how to talk, to eating foods we don't want to. Peer pressure start from your family, and proceeds to the culture around you. I remember when I was 6, and I had to wear this gray sweat outfit for a play. I begged my dad to not let me wear it, but all he said was, "why not, everyone else is wearing it." So I found comfort in the thought of wearing the outfit. Now take that same concept, and replace the outfit with drugs or cigarettes. Same concept right? As long as I can find solace in the fact that my friends are doing it makes it ok? No, it doesn't. Now, there's a thin line between peer pressure and encouragement. That thin line is fear. The fear of failure. See, we all have this voice inside our head telling us if something is right or wrong. Is peer pressure the encouragement to try something bad? Is encouragement the peer pressure to try something good? Either way you perceive it, both can be taken in a negative way. Both have the common characteristic of fear. My dad knew that I was afraid of wearing the outfit because I looked bad in it. He encouraged me to break me past the barrier of fear. When I turned 18, all my friends tried to get me to smoke. Telling me that one puff wouldn't kill me. But just like with the outfit, I was filled with fear. The fear of going against my beliefs, and looking like a fool. So I said no, because I knew it was bad. Peer pressure and encouragement are separated by one Your perception on what's right and wrong. So my question tonight is............Smokers that look like death, that come up to me and say smoking makes you look cool.......What's That All About?
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